Friday, September 19, 2008

My baby girl!

I love my baby girl more than she will ever know. When I first found out I was pregnant with her, I worried alot about the whole "mother/daughter" relationship. I mean I know how it is with my boys. I love them. They love me. But at the same time, they are just boys. Not all emotional and all that good stuff. I can tell you that we may have those times of "you're not wearing that" But overall I am sooo happy to have her. She is like icing on the cake or the cherry on top of the limeade at sonic. She is my puddin pie. I love dressing her up. Have you ever know of anyone changing a 5month old's clothes two or three times just to find the right thing to wear before they go somewhere? That is me with her! Or running in there last minute diggin through the ribbon just to make her a hairbow that matches. I love her more than reese's cups and I think if she ever tasted them yet that she would feel the same about me. Her daddy can be holding her, but if momma walks in the room and speaks, she cries b/c she wants me to get her. I can get her and talk to her and she lights up like a Christmas tree. We thought when I was pregnant that she would be a HUGE daddy's girl. Nope, not yet! I know it will come some day. But for now I am enjoying her being a "momma's girl"

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Two years of WDV!

Today was Wyatt's birthday. I found myself at 11:30 this morning thinking of how time had flown and how with each child that it just seems to go by quicker and quicker. It has been a quick two years, but two years of JOY--pure joy!
I never knew when that almost 10lb baby boy was taken out of my belly what a ray of sunshine he was going to be to our family. From early on, he has always been laid back, calm, and in a weird way, I've always pictured him as having a ton of wisdom. I have always pictured him as being a minister full of compassion for everyone. The picture first would come to my mind as he was always--no matter when you picked him up--laying his head on your shoulder and patting you on the back. It wasn't so much him laying his head on our shoulder that got me. It was the patting you on the back. It was the patting that seems to say so many things. I love you Mom! I love you Dad! Good job! Don't worry! I'm here to reassure you! It is amazing that a barely two year old can exude wisdom and compassion, but he does.

In the past month, he has started a new thing that just seems to confirm my image of him. He has started preaching. In so many ways, it is just hilarious. He will pick up his tiny new Testament, open it up, act like he is reading and begin to pace back in forth. Next thing you now he is shouting and stompin them feet. It is the cutest thing ever. Like I said earlier, he has brought so much joy to our lives and it has been a precious two years. I'm sure there will be so many more smiles coming from him and I can't wait to enjoy every one of them.